This Saturday, on August 29th, one of our fabulously amazing bride and groom duets is finally tying the knot. We're just as excited to see everything come together as they are - it is going to be !! Allison and Matt have been so much fun to work with... from their sassy, swanky style to their unbelievably incredible personalities!!!!
image courtesy of Lotus Photographic
Allison Hammond
"After 10 years of climbing and descending the corporate ladder in the banking world, I'm now a stepford wife (weird)! I do however, volunteer with GRPS and hope to work with another charity after my stint as a wedding planner is over."
Matt Sevensma
Cardiologist with Metro Hospital
Tell us about the first time you two met!
"I was at my best friends bachelorette party. Per usual, I was being read the riot act about not dating enough and being 30 and maybe it's time to start looking for boys ect, ect, ect. In a moment of sheer frustration, I turned around from the table we were seated at, grabbed the arm of the guy walking past us and exclaimed "fine, maybe I'll marry this guy!" That was Matt. The rest is history. True Story."
What is your idea of the "perfect" date?
"That a tough question for me. It really depends on the day. I really do love it when we get dressed up and go for a fabulous dinner somewhere followed by a nightcap at some cozy place. I'm guessing Matt would say the same thing. But a close second (or first), would probably include wake boarding on our boat together. I'll ask him..."
What is the one things about your wedding you are the most excited about?
"For me, its just after the ceremony. I'm hoping we'll get to steal just a minute to take it all in. Matt is my best friend and favorite companion for all adventures. And this is the biggest adventure yet."
Tell us about your proposal story!
"A few weeks after we started dating, I invited Matt over to my house along with my other guy friends to watch UofM/Ohio State game. I am a HUGE Michigan football fan. After the game, we went to the Broadway bar to lick our wounds from a painful loss. We had our first kiss at that dive and it kind of became "our spot." A year later, much to my dismay, my beloved Wolverines suffered another painful loss. Matt surprised me by taking me back to the Broadway. The bar was decorated for Christmas ("decorated" being an understatement). He had pinned my ring on a cheesy dancing snowman that sat on our table before our arrival. I saw it when it was shaking around doing its little dance. Perfect. Understated. Not too obvious. I loved it!"

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