Your bouquet is something you have hand selected to reflect you and your wedding style. You've spent hours upon hours choosing the perfect shade of flowers for your bouquet and when it comes time for you to walk down the aisle, you want to make sure you are not only comfortable holding your bouquet but both your dress and bouquet are photographed perfect.
Here are a few tips on how to hold a bouquet:
1. Bend your arms 90 degrees. Let the weight of your bouquet bring your arms down just a touch further. The bouquet should rest about belly button level and your forearms should be resting on your hip bones. Your arms should feel comfortable, we don't want them turning into jello mid ceremony!
2. Show the front of the bouquet. If your bouquet has a brooch, bow or decorative piece make sure it's facing forward. If your bouquet is only flowers search for flower that stands out. If you are having trouble finding the front, ask your florist!
image courtesy of Jen Kroll Photography
3. Grasp the bouquet gracefully. Don't hold the stems to tight and don't interlock your fingers. Save that for the hand holding!
image courtesy of Dusty Brown Photography
4. Finally, it's okay to sass up your bouquet shots after the ceremony. Maybe hold the bouquet with one hand to your side or better yet, have your new husband hold it for you!
Remember be comfortable, show your dress and smile!

Great blog! Something every bride should read!
Great post! Something not many brides (and bridesmaids) know or think of when the times comes.
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