{Photo: Courtesy of Cherie Foto Blog}
Every time I meet with a new bride, like clockwork, my very first intention is to find her style. Some brides know every detail ... they want "this linen" with "that centerpiece", and "this color flower" with "that candle collection". However, more often than not, I hear "I really don't know what I like!"
Ladies, if you've ever felt this way ...you are not alone, TRUST me! And it is for this very reason that I absolutely love (I mean, LOVE) Susie Coelho's book "Style Your Dream Wedding". In fact, it's probably one of my top 5 favorite wedding books of all time. This book not only gets you pointed in the right direction stylistically, but on the path to achieving a well-connected, overall look for your big day, from all the major decor aspects a to z!
{Photos: Courtesy of Perfect Bound Blog}
Now, I know what you are wondering, and the answer is NO ...the book doesn't just leave you on your own to figure out your style by simply browsing through the photos (which are amazing, by the way, I could stare at them for hours!) Susie has actually supplied the quick help you need by including a fantastic quiz you can take that boosts you right up into a specific style category. Nice, right? But the best part is that after playing around online, I have come to find out that this quiz is actually posted online! I am geeked! Seriously, now you are just a click away from wedding style clarity!

{Photo: Courtesy of Susie Coelho}
I want brides and anyone in the field of weddings to take this quiz, it only takes a couple minutes and it's sheer genius! Really. It is so helpful, not to mention fun! Also, if you have an extra couple minutes, take a browse on site to see the inside of the book ...absolute loveliness.
So what is YOUR dream wedding style?!!!!! Take the quiz here!

Thanks for posting the quiz, I took it and confirmed my suspicions of being a classic bride, as if there was any question about it? :) Can't wait to get all the details planned!
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