So another day of gorgeous weather and I spent the better part of it working hard at fixing my "not so pretty" tan lines...note to self, do not use spray sunscreen on a windy day!
On a much brighter note I thought I would share the pictures I took this afternoon of this gorgeous
Hibiscus in bloom. They are absolutely amazing and the best part, they grow right outside our condo. I'm hoping to wear one of these beauties in my hair to dinner later this week.

Fortunately for all you aspiring gardeners Hardy Hibiscus is a flower that can be grown in Michigan and blooms in late June early July. I'm so excited to try my hand at growing these lovelies this year! I often tell people I'm a florist by art and not by growing. I fell in love with the idea of taking something already perfect and showcasing its beauty in a different way. I guess you could say that a floral designer creates the framework which holds an already picture perfect painting. My only hope is that this year I can design floral arrangements with some of the flowers that I have worked hard at nurturing and cultivated from the earth.
Tomorrow I'll be sure to bring my camera along. There is a fabulous flower shop in downtown Naples and if I'm lucky Mr. Wonderful will humor me with a visit!

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